Genre: Real time strategy / simulation / city-buildingGet torrents using the BitTorrent protocol!!Copyright: NoSteam:
Planetside 2 FEVER has launched! - Planetside 2 is a free MMOFPS game, and it's been released with no "free" version. That means that there's only one Planetside 2 version, with all the updates and DLC included.
As a reward to those who purchased the game at launch, we have included all the available DLC for the game, as well as all the updates that have been made to the game since launch! Of course, we will also continue to update and expand the game regularly, as we always do.
PS2 FEVER includes: Planetside 2 The Resistance - Pre-Order to get this fantastic game for FREE! Planetside 2 Early Enthusiast Edition - Get this game for FREE! Planetside 2 The Warhound Prelude - Get this game for FREE! All-in-One Edition of Planetside 2 - Get this game for FREE! Battle 3.0 - Get this game for FREE! All the updates made since the game launched - All of them!
This game is basically in beta and I've already seen a lot of cool new features. The UI is a vast improvement and I'm looking forward to the rest of the game. Anyone who plays Planetside 2 knows the engine that it's built on was a bit buggy but the developers have done a good job patching it up.
The battles are intense and well worth the $9.99 but I don't see why people pay so much for a game and then complain that the game doesn't get enough updates. If the developers can't devote the time and energy to provide the updates then they shouldn't bother with the game. If you just pay for a game and never play it then there's no reason for you to bother with this as well.
Even with the bugs and the poor documentation/instructions on how to play the game I still think this game is a great buy.
I suggest all of you readers looking to get into a fun free-to-play game to give Planetside 2 a try. You won't be disappointed.
What I really like is that they have applied a lot of feedback from the game and there has been an incredible amount of work put in improving the
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